giovedì 20 dicembre 2012

Galaxy Pack

Sto provando questa “suite” di Live Wallpaper sul mio Galaxy Nexus e devo proprio dire che è davvero ben fatta, una delle migliori in assoluto.
Moltissime le varianti di questo Live Wallpaper spaziale:

 Discover Galaxies and Nebulas in 3D, realtime and OpenGL.
After the discovery of a series of four galaxies: Inferno Galaxy, Ice Galaxy, Shadow Galaxy and Galaxy Vortex…
… waiting to be explored further nooks of the Universe!
On the horizon appeared a new Galaxies:

1. Red Dragon Galaxy
2. Hydra Galaxy
3. Small Cloud Galaxy
4. Pegasus Galaxy
5. Colossus Galaxy
6. Cyclop Galaxy
7. M101 Galaxy (Update 1.1)
8. Hextor Galaxy (Update 1.2)
9. Hydrogen Clouds (Update 1.3)
10. Inferno Clouds (Update 1.3)
11. Primaeval Galaxy (Update 1.4)

Each of them you can view in 3D, in realtime, in OpenGL.
Check out 
what is in each of them. Adjust the settings, change them.

+ Set Predefined Galaxies (11 avaiable now)
+ Set Background type (5 avaiable now)
+ Set Core type (3 avaiable now)
+ Set Stars type (3 avaiable now)
+ Set Stars count (for max speed reduce stars)
+ Set X-Ray type, on/off (default off)
+ Set Stars on/off

Zippyshare (1.5)

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